Sunday, 4 March 2007

Du pain, du vin, du boursin…

… well obviously not, because if you got caught eating Boursin in France you’d probably be deported instantly. However, it is only the end of my first week and so far I have managed to eat like a pig and like a King at the same time. I have certainly discovered that the French have some great cultural plus points, such as having a fantastic canteen at work where everyone goes for a 3 course meal every day, with wine if so desired. I feel I may be approaching a new phase in my life…. the obesity years…

I also have to grow up and not get too over excited about getting kissed by the men in the office every day. At first I thought it must be the brunette element working it’s wonders and attracting men like magnets, but alas no, they’re just being polite…

Thursday, 1 March 2007

Blonde ou brune?!

For anyone that doesn’t know…. I didn’t hang around long in the UK, I am now in France, which gives me an excellent excuse to continue this blog, with an amended title.

Perhaps there won’t be amusing incidents in France, perhaps I won’t fall down flights of stairs or have payment problems… we shall see.

On the other hand, considering within minutes of arriving at Lyon airport I managed to get my heel stuck in some grating and left a shoe behind temporarily, I have a feeling the fun and games may continue…

First of all, a bit of a newsflash… after 29 and a half years of being blonde, I decided to see what brunette would be like, so on Saturday this happened… (nothing to do with a desire to stop doing embarrassing, ditzy things of course, or to look more intelligent!)

I thought that I may have some issues with passport control knowing my luck, but it seems that going brunette has not actually changed my appearance that much, despite my hopes for it turning me into an instant goddess. I seem to be pretty recognisable, and pretty much the same as before but with different coloured hair. Who'd have thought it?!